Tag Archives: where do i see myself

Where Do I See Myself in 10 Years?

When I get older, like almost everyone, I want to be successful in life, but unlike everyone, I am willing to work for my success. At the age of fourteen, most people don’t know what they want to do when they get older or who they want to be, but I think I have a pretty good idea. For some reason, nursing and health has always interested me. Not because of familScreen Shot 2014-09-19 at 1.07.59 PMy members in the medical field, but because it is what interests me. Of course, things like this depend on how well I do in high school and college, but the kind of person I am shows that I am determined and that I don’t give up easily. In ten years I see myself graduating from college or getting a higher degree.  I’m not expecting myself to have a nursing or any other kind of medical job. This is because I will be 24 and still be in college for my major, but I hope to have a job so I can provide for myself in ten years. I would like to see myself express the same traits as I express now, but to a higher degree. I love to help people, and I’m always nice, and honest. Maybe in ten years, I can help people in a whole new way. I can volunteer places and make a difference in the world. Eventually(but probably not),in ten years, I would like to have a husband, kids, and a good house and a nice, well-paying job. I look forward to a bright future for myself.